Monday, September 8, 2008

The media that i use everyday

7:00- Listen to my ipod
11:30-Listen to the radio
8:30- Went to Nics and watched the TV

10:30- Text Nick
10:00- Listen to 100.7 and 102.5 on the way to St. Johns.
12:00- Text Conno
2:30- Listen to my ipod at my sisters soccer game.
4:30- Listen to the radio in the van to my soccer game
5:20- Text Nick
8:00- Watched the TV in the van coming home from my game.
8:50- Watched a movie in my room
9:30- Talked on the phone with Nick
7:20- Listen to the radio when i got ready in the morning.
10:38- Watched the video announcements.
11:00- Typeing this blog

While I was doing this Progect for my intro to video class I reconized that I had some trends going on and some that were just way out there. What I did the most during these three days was that I listen to the radio a lot and I listen to it a lot in the morning when I'm getting ready in the morning and when I'm driveing in my car. I also text a few friends just to see how things are going. I couldnt believe how much i listen to the radio and talked to my friends. I could have went without texting them and save me money but what can I say I love to talk to all of my friends. there are somethings that i could live without tecnology but then it would just be really hard to live without the radio or my phone.

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